> "Dr. P.C.Phoenix"
> Date: July 29, 2009 7:54:03 AM EDT
> To: Pamela Phoenix
Beloveds, Mars the action planet and sower of seeds will be in Gemini, the air sign that says "I think", or "I communicate", until August 24th. When Mars is in Gemini, sometimes words get heated and most times people are passionately attached to their point of view. Last week, when Professor Gates was arrested, Mars in Gemini was forming a 90 degree angle (square) to Saturn in Virgo. Professor Gates was born in Virgo and with Saturn on his Sun and Mars squaring it, he received the biggest wake up call of his life, i.e. he's a Black man living in America. Because of his public persona, his wake up call became our wake up call, and of course the media frenzy that surrounded the incident hasn't stopped yet. There is not a doubt in my mind that if Professor Gates was just an every day Black man the situation would have gone unnoticed, and he could possibly have been killed...remember Amadou Diallo?... or more recently, the innocent and unarmed Black man who was killed by police in Brooklyn on his mother's front steps? It is my prayer that Professor Gates reaches his High self and asks "what am I learning in all of this" and more importantly, "how can I use what I've learned to help others?" He has the golden opportunity to teach from experience, as opposed to theory.
> In August, Mars in Gemini will move to square (90 degree angle) Uranus in Pisces. We are Pisces People and the potential for another
> wake up call is a great possibility. So you might ask "why are we getting slapped in the face with so many wake up calls?"
> First, Michael Jackson's mysterious death dominating the news for weeks, and now this. On the spiritual level, I Believe (keywords for Pisces) that as we move closer to 2012, we're being encouraged to move our consciousness to a Higher level. This is not the time to be asleep, or hide behind our addictions and pretend that racism doesn't exist. The truth is that which is really so. I'm almost sorry for the Kneegrows that the media pulls out to say the things they (the media) wants to say. These poor people are ego starved and so glad to be on television to have their 5 minutes of fame. The good thing is that at this time the covers are coming off and we can clearly see who they are. These wake up calls are like turning the Light on in the kitchen and seeing the roaches, that you may have pretended were not there.
> OK, that how are you dealing with these wake up calls? Did you really think when Obama was elected that racism in the country
> had ended? Seriously though, I'm wondering how you're dealing with the anger, the disappointment, as you witness the events of today. I'm praying that you've decided to stay healthy, are working out (smile), eating nutritious foods, being in the company of positive people, and meditating on a regular basis. It is vitally important that you protect your immune system and actually take this time to purposely boost
> it to a higher level. Please don't allow these wake up calls, to depress you, or create resentment. Give thanks that you have the opportunity
> to do something positive for yourself and/or others. Take this time to get your house in order...that includes, your body, mind and spirit.
> We already know that the CDC is calling for a pandemic of H1N1 in the Fall. The vaccines are ready for public consumption.
> Use your time wisely now, so that you can say "no thank you".
> These wake up calls are telling us to use our time wisely, and to stay healthy...I love you all, Ayesha
