Hello, Mr. Ficklin:

I am Josephine Dixon-Banks, performing poet, collage artist and storyteller. It never ceases to amaze me; I have written several black male leaders and posed this question:

Was it not the African-Male-Tribal leaders that sold the majority of the black slaves to the Europeans ?

Was it not the horrendous Tribal-Wars that subjugated many africans that were not royalty.
Did not the African Tribals treat their conquest inhumanely.

The Truth of the matter is that black on black crime took place on the continent of Africa. The ill-treatment of Africans by Africans in position was equal to the injustice felt at Guantanamo Bay. African leadership terrorizing their citizens. African leadership destroying African tribal communities for Monetary gain and enslavement. African Leadership coercing tribemen to be Cheap Labor force. Raping African women..Mutilating African women.Terrorizing women and children and buying women and children and forcing them into prostitution.

Mr. Ficklin; has it not been Black Leadership that has sold us into to slavery ??
Is it not Black Leadership pimping the black communities.
Is it not the Religious and Political Black Leadership keeping a lid on the black community and allowing our votes to be influenced by Black Leadership instead of our hearts and beliefs that a candidate is the best Man or Women for our communities.
Have we not been sold out?? so our black leaders would receive Economic Power & Political Power to hold blacks hostage. Have we not been sold out for White Male Respect..

Our Black politicians have become our new White Slave Masters
their blatant disrespect casts a greater shadow than slavery
New wounds inflicted by these self-appointed saviors last thru
out eternity

I see the Tears of God crying out !!
I see the Tears of God crying out !!

Black politicians devour their own children
sleep in their own feces

I see the Tears of God crying out
I see the Tears of God crying out

Black politicians can not hear the public out cry
to busy listening to their inner hunger for power

Deaf ears can hear the cry of silence
Blinded eyes see the darkness
Pain can feel healing but

Our Black politicians have become our New White slave Masters

