Hi Everyone,
Tomorrow's meeting: SUNDAY JUNE 15, 2009
St. Andrew's Episcopal Church
266 Shelton Avenue, New Haven
5:00pm - 7:00pm
Review: City of New Haven Peace Commission initiative
contact - Aaron Goode > aaron.goode@gmail.com or (510) 207-6310
St. Andrew's Episcopal Church
266 Shelton Avenue, New Haven
Below current working Peace Actions:
- Apprenticeship Program
- "Open Schools" : this peace action should include activities for youth as well as encouraging and informative activities for parents
- Breaking down barriers between territories in New Haven (this has not been formulated into a peace action any suggestions are welcomed)
We encourage everyone to give suggestions. Especially if you can't make the meeting please email us. We can't present your suggestions to the group.
Would just like to inform everyone that this is Gun Violence Awareness month. Their are many events and initiatives working to bring information to the community this month. Below you will find some events happening in the city of New Haven. I have attached various fliers from the organization sponsoring some of the events.
WEB Youth Reading Club (Whalley, Edgewood, Beaverhill)
Announces their Grand Re-Opening
Neighborhood Block Party
Sunday, June 14, 2009
1:00 - 5:00pm
Maple Street btw. Norton & Ellsworth
There will be raffle prizes, hotdogs, hamburgers, popcorn, sotton candy, slushy drinks ($1 + up)
Contact: Marcus Paca/Cheric Dykes @ 203.887.5825 or WEBReading@hotmail.com
Youth Reading Club
Saturdays for ages (5-14)
2:00 - 4:00pm
386 Whalley Avenue, New Haven @ Norton Police Substation
Contact: Cherice Dykes 203.887.5825 or WEBReading@hotmail.com
Mothers for Justice
Meeting - concerning program cuts that will affect you!
Join Mothers for Justice
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Stepping Stone Transitional Housing
660 Winchester Avenue, New Haven
Dinner, transportation and childcare will be provided. Must call to confirm attendance and if you require transportation.
Contact: Carolyn 203.777.6072
@ the International Festival of Arts & Ideas
Saturday, June 20, 2009
5:00 - 8:00pm
New Haven Green @ Mavis Staples concert
CWYC wants to encourage as many non-profit organization as possible to attend, to show our strength and range. Organizations can submit their print materials to be distributed. Organizations must contact, Alan Grecco, Director - Caring Cuisine, AIDS Project New Haven @ alan.grecco@apnh.org
Juneteenth: Celebration of the end of Slavery
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Edgewood Park off the Boulevard
SWANA Meetings
2nd & 4th Wednesdays
Wilson Library
302 Washington Avenue, New Haven
Contact: SWANA @ 203.498.4184 ext. 15 or swana.meetingmoms@gmail.com
Christian Community Commission:
Brotherhood Leadership Summit
Fatherhood, We Care March
Monday, June 22, 2009
March begins @ Dixwell "Q" House on Dixwell Avenue
The march is an attempt to build awareness and to encourage Fathers and Men to rethink who they are...and why they are needed! Guest speakers will be invited.
Contact: Donald Morris & Christian Community Commission @ 203.624.9228 or christian.comm@snet.net
Empower New haven and Neighborhood Leadership Initiative
"Teens Can Make Things Happen"
Saturday, June 27, 2009
11:00am - 5:00pm
Cortland Wilson Branch Library
303 Washington Avenue, New Haven
This event is free and open to teens btw. ages of 13-19 yrs. of age. There will be food, bun, prizes and entertainment. One group of teens will come away with a grant for $1,000 to begin implementing their plan for change this summer. REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED! Registration forms are available at Empower New Haven, neighborhood sub-stations, neighborhood management teams and youth agencies. Participation limited - 1st 60 teens will have reserved seating at the planning tables.
Contact: Cynthia text @ 941.773.9220 or email neighborlead@verizon.net
Whew! Ok, that's it for now.
Once again thank you so much for all your ideas and most of all ACTION!
Best Regards,
Christina Outlaw
Promotions Coordinator
Partner 4 Peace
Tomorrow's meeting: SUNDAY JUNE 15, 2009
St. Andrew's Episcopal Church
266 Shelton Avenue, New Haven
5:00pm - 7:00pm
Review: City of New Haven Peace Commission initiative
contact - Aaron Goode > aaron.goode@gmail.com or (510) 207-6310
St. Andrew's Episcopal Church
266 Shelton Avenue, New Haven
Below current working Peace Actions:
- Apprenticeship Program
- "Open Schools" : this peace action should include activities for youth as well as encouraging and informative activities for parents
- Breaking down barriers between territories in New Haven (this has not been formulated into a peace action any suggestions are welcomed)
We encourage everyone to give suggestions. Especially if you can't make the meeting please email us. We can't present your suggestions to the group.
Would just like to inform everyone that this is Gun Violence Awareness month. Their are many events and initiatives working to bring information to the community this month. Below you will find some events happening in the city of New Haven. I have attached various fliers from the organization sponsoring some of the events.
WEB Youth Reading Club (Whalley, Edgewood, Beaverhill)
Announces their Grand Re-Opening
Neighborhood Block Party
Sunday, June 14, 2009
1:00 - 5:00pm
Maple Street btw. Norton & Ellsworth
There will be raffle prizes, hotdogs, hamburgers, popcorn, sotton candy, slushy drinks ($1 + up)
Contact: Marcus Paca/Cheric Dykes @ 203.887.5825 or WEBReading@hotmail.com
Youth Reading Club
Saturdays for ages (5-14)
2:00 - 4:00pm
386 Whalley Avenue, New Haven @ Norton Police Substation
Contact: Cherice Dykes 203.887.5825 or WEBReading@hotmail.com
Mothers for Justice
Meeting - concerning program cuts that will affect you!
Join Mothers for Justice
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Stepping Stone Transitional Housing
660 Winchester Avenue, New Haven
Dinner, transportation and childcare will be provided. Must call to confirm attendance and if you require transportation.
Contact: Carolyn 203.777.6072
@ the International Festival of Arts & Ideas
Saturday, June 20, 2009
5:00 - 8:00pm
New Haven Green @ Mavis Staples concert
CWYC wants to encourage as many non-profit organization as possible to attend, to show our strength and range. Organizations can submit their print materials to be distributed. Organizations must contact, Alan Grecco, Director - Caring Cuisine, AIDS Project New Haven @ alan.grecco@apnh.org
Juneteenth: Celebration of the end of Slavery
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Edgewood Park off the Boulevard
SWANA Meetings
2nd & 4th Wednesdays
Wilson Library
302 Washington Avenue, New Haven
Contact: SWANA @ 203.498.4184 ext. 15 or swana.meetingmoms@gmail.com
Christian Community Commission:
Brotherhood Leadership Summit
Fatherhood, We Care March
Monday, June 22, 2009
March begins @ Dixwell "Q" House on Dixwell Avenue
The march is an attempt to build awareness and to encourage Fathers and Men to rethink who they are...and why they are needed! Guest speakers will be invited.
Contact: Donald Morris & Christian Community Commission @ 203.624.9228 or christian.comm@snet.net
Empower New haven and Neighborhood Leadership Initiative
"Teens Can Make Things Happen"
Saturday, June 27, 2009
11:00am - 5:00pm
Cortland Wilson Branch Library
303 Washington Avenue, New Haven
This event is free and open to teens btw. ages of 13-19 yrs. of age. There will be food, bun, prizes and entertainment. One group of teens will come away with a grant for $1,000 to begin implementing their plan for change this summer. REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED! Registration forms are available at Empower New Haven, neighborhood sub-stations, neighborhood management teams and youth agencies. Participation limited - 1st 60 teens will have reserved seating at the planning tables.
Contact: Cynthia text @ 941.773.9220 or email neighborlead@verizon.net
Whew! Ok, that's it for now.
Once again thank you so much for all your ideas and most of all ACTION!
Best Regards,
Christina Outlaw
Promotions Coordinator
Partner 4 Peace