Proms, graduations and diplomas probably most often reflect the end of one journey and the beginning of multiple others. To the class of 2009,be it day care, kindergarten, middle school, high school, junior college, college or graduate and professional school diploma achievers we salute you.

Those of us that have passed through or skipped some of these personal story demarcations acknowledge and pray in or various conscious and conscious ways for your well being. Rituals , habits, practices and tradition abound. Perhaps we can take a moment and salute all of the birth graduates living on the planet at this point in time. Let's all dedicate our lives and our selves to graduating into new learning and new breath. Let us dedicate our lives and our selves to taking the walk with God,to taking that walk with our grandchild, to taking the walk with ourselves.

Let's dedicate our our lives and our selves to taking taking a short walk on the burning sands, to passing through a few dark nights, to staying awake one evening to wonder with imagination. Let us dedicate and graduate into higher realms , even revisit a fewer lower realms if you must, but quickly reorient your self to the more visionary ground.

Let us graduate to moving new mountains as an old friend would say ,to ever knowing that our ascension and journey continues.
