Southern Connecticut Chapter of the National Black Nurses Association., Inc. 17th Annual Scholarship and Awards Luncheon Sunday~ April 26,2009

Southern Connecticut Chapter of the
National Black Nurses Association., Inc.
17th Annual Scholarship and Awards Luncheon

Reverend Orsella Renea Cooper
Associate Minister
Bethel AME Church
Bridgeport, CT
Key Note Speaker

“The Power of Distinguished Women: Engaging, Improving and Forging professional Legacies”.

Sunday~ April 26,2009
2:00 p.m.
North Haven, Connecticut
Tickets $45.00

Mistress of Ceremony
Desiree Fontaine
TV personality from WTNH Chanel 8

Proceeds from tickets and advertisements allow our organization to
give scholarships to deserving nursing
Students and to address the health needs of our community.

For additional information, please call
Sister Toni Brown at (860) 243-3203
