EBONY-JET-Negro Digest, Archives on line

You are going to love this.....

Kind of interesting going back in time.

This is, without doubt, Great Black History...old copies of Jet, Ebony, etc., available online!!!
This is so INTERESTING!!! It is most definitely a keepsake to be archived!!!
It is reported "Johnson Publishing Company" has partnered with Google to digitize its magazine archives. If you are a "Jet", "Ebony", and/or "Black World/Negro Digest" reader, like I have been, from back in the day (my family and I currently read the former two), just click below on the magazine of your choice and, then once in the site, all is self-explanatory to 'read' a particular issue or article.

Ebony http://books.google.com/books?id=PtMDAAAAMBAJ&dq=ebony&source=gbs_all_issues_r&cad=2_2&atm_aiy=1960#all_issues_anchor

Jet http://books.google.com/books?id=5joDAAAAMBAJ&dq=jet&source=gbs_all_issues_r&cad=2_2&atm_aiy=1950#all_issues_anchor

Black World/Negro Digest http://books.google.com/books?id=MbIDAAAAMBAJ&dq=negro+digest&source=gbs_all_issues_r&cad=2_2&atm_aiy=1960#all_issues_anchor
