The 2009 Sengbe Pieh Awards for community service will be presented to
three area citizens at the ninth annual ceremony at First and Summerfield United
Methodist Church, New Haven at 3 pm Sunday, March 29. The 2009 awardees are Nancy
Harrison Bove (posthumously) of Hamden: for a lifetime of dedication to volunteerism;
WillieRuff of Branford: Professor (adjunct) Yale School of Music, dedicated to
providing music appreciation opportunities for all;
and Rev. Frederick Streets of
Stratford, humanitarian in the US and Africa and former Yale University Chaplain.
Named for Sengbe Pieh (formerly known as Cinque), the native of Sierra
Leone and one of the captured Africans forced to come to America (and eventually New
Haven) onthe ship Amistad, the awards symbolize the ability of citizens to reach out to
others to better the lives of young and old as did Sengbe Pieh in leading the revolt
aboard ship which eventually led to freedom for all the Africans.
The free event is in collaboration with AMISTAD AMERICA, Inc. and the
Amistad Committee.
The Unity Boys Choir will provide special music and all are invited to a 4 pm reception
in Trinity Hall of the church which is located at
College and Elm Streets, opposite the New Haven Green.