The Fire Next Time

The US Supreme Court will hear the New Haven firefighters case. Once again New Haven is in the national spotlight. From the Amistad decision, to creating the hamburger, to the first model city, and now to the ringing of the fire bell, the call for a definition of justice has been sounded. Our supreme court will decide who is right at least for now. The search for this ephemeral notion of justice continues. Discrimination, reparations, repair and fairness all seem so simply complex.

But when we dwell in the belief shroud of discovery versus annihilation, revel in the self satisfactory glow of civilization versus barbaric brutality based upon red skinning. celebrate a national tragedy with turkey, glorify genocide and call it progress_ well_ Things are mixed up.

Whether the Supreme Court decision in the spring will bring fresh rain and clean a blood soaked land paved over with concrete remains to be seen. Let freedom ring, let the fire alarm ring, for whom the bell tolls and as always, the fire next time !
