For several years, decades, and centuries,the notion and belief in the Divine Right of Kings prevailed.

It was a masterful marketing and communications achievement. The most successful public relations and advertising campaign that the world has ever known. At some point the ideas of liberty began to infiltrate the public political mind. Today, although England still honors the notion of monarchy most of the world to varying degrees acknowledges that the idea of Divine Right of Kings has little relevance today.

Most of human history or at least the way we have been conditioned to construct history reveals that the presence of human sexual behavior and various expressions have sexual behavior have always existed. Attempts to eradicate or provide a "corrective remedy" have proved fruitless and futile.

Is it possible the the idea of the Divine Right of Gays deserves public consideration? Perhaps I am exaggerating. But is it at least time to embrace the idea that gays and lesbians are at least human?

Revisit any moment in time documented by historical politics. The ideas of slaves, savages, indentured servants, pagans,three fifths of a person, serfs, lepers, concubines, polygamy,castes,etc illustrate the notion of the personification of idea captivity and discrete selection of membership according to economic and political power.

Are we moral or amoral animals capable of expressing the difference? And who is to decide?

Were Cingue's strokes for liberty as he slew his owners an act of moral courage or the actions of a killer.

But I digress.

Some members of the human family have been relegated to the back of the bus,burned as witches and heretics, assigned to the bottom of the totem pole, categorized as separate but not equal,tarred and feathered, hung in the scaffolds and hunted sometimes even for suggesting the idea that the world is not flat.

Perhaps the notion of the Divine Right of Gays sounds ridiculous. But at the very least can we just acknowledge that the separation of church and state makes sense and that your religious views should not dictate public policy.( well i guess we will see what rick warren and joe lowery have to say about that on jan 20 but there I go again)

I mean it is not like gays and lesbians want to marry your son or daughter or do they?
