Church on the Rock

As referenced below in the New Haven Register article published the day before ,The Church on the Rock Gas Buy Down,although not the first, manifested Pastor Todd Foster's affirmation where he is quoted that "God will see to it that it all works out."

It truly did as the above pictures illustrate. Faith, work and courage are crucial ingredients. Perhaps we all can benefit from
incorporating these ingredients as we pursue our dreams on earth as well.

Church to offer discounted gas, collect input for new center
By Pamela McLoughlin, Register Staff
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NEW HAVEN — The gas line at the Hess station at 1159 Whalley Ave. likely will be long between noon and 1:15 p.m. Saturday when Church on the Rock is presents a gas “buy down,” meaning consumers will pay 50 cents less per gallon during that time.
The church has had other buy downs — including a gasoline event last year — but this time organizers are hoping for a little more in return than just the good feeling of helping fellow human beings.

As church volunteers pump gas, wash windows and offer snacks, the church leadership hopes customers — especially any teenagers in the midst — will take time to answer questions about what is needed and wanted in a youth center to be built on 9,000 square feet of space owned by the church at 95 Hamilton St.

Church Pastor Todd Foster said he encourages teens to come so their input can be heard, but all, even those without teens in tow, are encouraged to take advantage of the event.

Foster said this is the church’s third gas buy down through the years, but the discount being offered for 75 minutes is likely even more welcome this year because of the high price of gasoline. It is not known what the price per gallon will be.

Foster said anyone in line at the cutoff time will be served. The possible scenarios that could arise, such as hundreds getting in line at the start, is something Foster said they’re hoping will work out because they are a faith-based organization. In other words, he hopes God will see to it that it all works out.

“We’re trusting that will be the case,” he said.

The center will be part of a nonprofit community-serving organization that will be separate from the church.

Foster said the center plans show an audio-visual recording studio, performance area, and space from which families can be helped raise, train and develop positive, community-minded young people.

More detailed interviews with community leaders in the region will also take place. Foster and other leaders met Thursday to form a board to oversee creation of the center, which could open as early as the end of next year, Foster said.

Aside from getting survey information, and reaching out to help the community, the event is also intended within the congregation to emphasize individual responsibility and sacrifice.

“It’s a wonderful way to get people (congregants) thinking beyond our needs,” Foster said. “We are always looking for ways to do that. We do that a lot.”

©New Haven Register 2008
