Senator Joe Lieberman provides a crystal clear example of political calculation and illustrates the multi-dimensions and undercurrents of the historic American political landscape.

We must not forget that political party affiliation as an elective official and as a party voter has never been iron clad. We rightfully hear so much these days about the decisive impact of the independent vote. And again independent Democratic, former Democratic vice-presidential nominee,independent Democratic campaigner for the Republican presidential nominee Connecticut Senator Joe Lieberman demonstrates that politicians and voters can switch loyalties. ( Just ask the Republican nominee during the past race for Senate in Connecticut)

We forget so easily that there have been a number of political parties. A political party is often a reflection of current events, new ideas, old ideas to be resurrected,economic stratification, a powerful figure , international events,etc.

How quickly we have forgotten Governor Weicker's founding of the Connecticut Party. Do most folks know that the Republican Party did not exist before 1854.The Whigs, the Federalists, the Anti-Federalists, the Libertarian, The Greens,the Black Panther Party,the Democratic-Republican ( this is not a typo the Democratic -Republican party existed from 1792-1824), the Farm-Labor party,the Free Soil party, the Progressive Party(also known as the Bull-Moose Party) and my favorite the No Nothing Party and many more parties provide pause as we consider the monopoly of the current two party system.

Political parties are not written into the constitution and they are not eternal entities.They are political brands and like the Packard, the Oldsmobile, Carters Little Liver Pills, New Coke and Geritol the public market place should decide if they are serving the nation by our support and by our investment.

But back to our good friend Senator Lieberman. Joe reminds us that like the current Republican Mayor of New York who was once a Democrat and like the former Republican Mayor of New York and former Republican presidential candidate who was once a democrat and like the former Republican Senator from South Carolina who was once a Democrat politics makes people do strange things and voters as well.
