Needless to say, you probably like me,notice how often Dr Martin Luther King, Jr's words are quoted.So I am not an exception.
In thinking about the presidential campaign for the most powerful position on the planet, folks regardless of their political persuasion have been able recently to see the promised land in the event that Barack Obama becomes the 44th President of the United States.
That possible view and vision on the political horizon brings tears of joy to some and boiling rage to others. Mixed emotions to some and regret to others. Resignation to some and thoughts of burning their passport to others if not even more dire thoughts.
In a real way , assuming one believes that thoughts are real, the distinct possibility of Barack Obama receiving the Democratic Party nomination, selecting a vice-presidential running mate and being the standard bearer for the party whose members included George Wallace , Fannie Lou Hamer and Orville Faubus evokes really anxious anticipation for some and absolute dread for others.
It is not news that some folks might not vote for a women or Black presidential candidate until hades freezes over. Let's not forget the public ruckus regarding the first Catholic candidate or the recent discussions about Mit Romney's religious beliefs.Let's not forget the days when women and African Americans could not even vote.
So religion and race and sex of course matters.
Almost everyone in America can imagine and if truth be told, most of the adult world has thought about and visualized the implication if Barack Obama is the victor in the November elections. And if Barack Obama does place his hand on the bible held by the avowed reborn Christian George W. Bush and becomes the 44th President of the United States of America,then some will sing God Bless America and some will consider God to be condemning
all of us!