This is my child's speech given today at Amistad High School. His Gift of Voice will Heard!!!!! I love his leadership skills. Be Heard. Speak Out. Speak Up.

Jah Richards
2 hrs
Message!!!!!! ๐Ÿ—ฃ๐Ÿ‘‚๐Ÿพ
Being in the Achievement First system my entire life has both helped me and hindered me. My academics have always been the top priority in each school branch, however I was never taught how to go into the world and utilize the tools Achievement First has given me. Through all my years I have never had a stable African American leader implemented in the system to aid me in understanding the world I live in as a young black male and how to survive in it. Attending a school where minorities are the majority in the student body I believe that the same should be reflected in the staff. Diversity in the staff increases our sense of comfort and ability to interact with confidence with our problems because there is an unspoken bond shared between minorities formed by society's mistreatment of us. Growing up without a father figure, I always looked to find one within the classroom. And unfortunately, not meant to sound rude, a Caucasian male will never be able to teach me how to live in a society that still looks down at the color of my skin.
Written and Spoken by Messiah Gordon
This is my child's speech given today at Amistad High School. His Gift of Voice will Heard!!!!! I love his leadership skills. Be Heard. Speak Out. Speak Up.
