Facebook Photo Album New Haven Birthday Celebration
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There is a reason that these two people are descending the steps at City Hall ,leading others to the celebration of New Haven's Birthday. "In the Still of the Night" and for many moons and rising sons and daughters this harbor nexus and land of the Quinnipiacs nurtured,breathed and loved , long before the onset of the English "settlement".
It is challenging to right or to wrong history .
Suffice to say that the birth of New Haven did not take place in an artificial test tube.
Perhaps the original intent was to co exist, share, learn intermingle and mutually enhance those whose land we now call New Haven.
Yet as I witnessed the New Haven Birthday celebration I wondered what our area ancestors would say. Perhaps they are still speaking to us but it requires deep listening as we celebrate our intermingled heritage and universal birthright
New Haven Register Article
New Haven Independent Article