NAACP’s ‘Great Debate’ in New Haven features Yale, Texas college

NAACP’s ‘Great Debate’ in New Haven features Yale, Texas college

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Ficklin Media Note: It can be debated what the 'Great Debate" was all about. Sometimes all of the world is a stage and we are clear about our roles and scripts. Other times the outcome is uncertain but we play the role of going to school, working with and for the system, obeying the rules, trying to get along and even learning a little from time to time. Seeing the students from throughout the entire state , from New London, to Stamford, from Waterbury and Hartford just to mention a few places was remarkable and inspiring. Students were entertained,inspired, amused, challenged and experienced first hand that learning assumes various dimensions. They saw talent, elocution, logic, reason and spontaneous thought on the Shubert Stage. This play however was not about life and death, or was it? Does their educational future and socio-political and economic well being  hinge upon governmental mandate and philanthropic initiative? Can the power of a policy idea assist or deter their prosperity?
Is their life expectancy and educational opportunities influenced by the "system" or the "man."

The debate topics were "Common Core Standards" and the White House " My Brother's Keeper Initiative".

But the real topic was the  splendid display of thoughtful interchange and  civil behavior to resolve issues that effect us all.

Heart felt kudos to the Ct State NAACP Branches , leadership and  officials.
