Hillhouse High School
Sesquicentennial All-Class Reunion Banquet
James Hillhouse High School, New Haven’s oldest and most historic public school, is celebrating its sesquicentennial with an “All-Class Reunion” banquet which will be held on Saturday, May 16, at 5:00 p.m. at the Yale University Commons, corner of Grove and College Streets, New Haven, CT. In addition, an “Open House” will be held at the Hillhouse High School site at 480 Sherman Parkway, New Haven, CT, on Saturday, May 16, 10:00 a.m. until 1:00 p.m, for those alumni and friends who would like to tour the school.
Founded in 1859 before the outbreak of the Civil War, Hillhouse High School has a very long history of service to the greater New Haven community. Hillhouse was a “magnet” high school long before the term was coined, attracting students from most of the suburban communities which had no high schools of their own. Hillhouse at one point had nearly 5,000 students and offered double sessions to accommodate the large student body. It was the “academic” school which prepared New Haven’s youth for college and professional careers.
Some of Hillhouse’s illustrious alumni include Mayors Richard C. Lee and John C. Daniels, federal judge Constance Baker Motley, pollster Louis Harris, Academy Award winning actor Ernest Borgnine, Congressman Bob Giamo, businessman Marvin Lender, star athletes Albie Booth, Levi Jackson and Floyd Little, renown Yale Architectural History professor Vincent Scully and many others.
For the first time in its 150 year history, Hillhouse is hosting a celebratory convocation of all alumni, teachers and administrators, past and present, parents and friends of Hillhouse, to celebrate the contributions made by this school to our region and nation. A highlight of the program will include recollections by alumni representing different eras of Hillhouse’s history.
Tickets for the buffet-style banquet may be obtained by sending a check for $45.00 made payable to “Hillhouse 150,” to Hillhouse High School Sesquicentennial, c/o
Robert A. Gibson, 480 Sherman Parkway, New Haven, CT, 06511. For further information, please contact the school at (203) 946-2520 or 946-8484, or by email to: ragibson_hhouse@hotmail.com. Deadline for purchasing tickets is May 6.